Does stress or anxiety keep you up at night? Do you find it difficult to switch off your brain at bedtime? If so, you are not alone. You probably end up feeling groggy and grumpy in the morning when you should be fresh and ready for the day.
Try this stress melting essential oil pillow spray recipe for bedtime. It is wonderful for relaxing your body and calming your mind. Chamomile, ylang ylang and vetiver essential oils are just what you need.

Can you relate to the dog in the picture when bedtime comes around? Frustrated and stressed that it is past your bedtime and you still are not asleep?
Essential Oil Pillow Spray Recipe for Stress Relief
The powerful trio of essential oils in this recipe have calming effects when you feel overwhelmed by stress. These oils also have very strong aromas, so the amount of drops in this recipe is on the lower end.
- 6 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
- 4 drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
- 2 drops Vetiver Essential Oil
- 1 tablespoon grain alcohol (as preservative)
- 1/4 cup distilled water
- 2 oz glass spray bottle
Step 1: Add grain alcohol and essential oils to the bottom of the glass bottle. Swirl together to mix.
Step 2: Fill the bottle with water, leaving room at the top for sprayer top. Shake well to mix together and before each use.
Step 3: To use, spritz in your room and on your pillow before bedtime.
Read More: Essential Oils for Sleep with Diffuser Blends
Essential Oil Tips For Pillow Spray Recipe
-This recipe is meant for humans, not dogs, just loved the dogs face :)
-When using essential oils be sure to use only high-quality essential oils.
-The spray can be used immediately but I have noticed that if you give it 24 hours to marinate and blend together, the smell seems strong.
-You can find grain alcohol at a liquor store. If you choose not to add to the spray recipe, be sure to use spray within 2 weeks of making.
-You can try other essential oils in the recipe that are good for sleep and stress like lavender, petitgrain, clary sage or bergamot. Experimenting with different blends can be fun, like a mad scientist... you may just create something wonderful!
Stress Melting Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
Need an extra boost, try diffusing any of the above mentioned essential oils at bedtime for even more stress-melting power. Or try this
- 3 drops Ylang Ylang oil
- 2 drops Roman Chamomile oil
- 1 drop Vetiver oil
- Aromatherapy Diffuser
Directions: Follow the instructions of your diffuser and put in the right amount of water, then add the drops of oil into the water. Make sure that your essential oils are high-grade, this way you get the best mist.

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