With the increased emphasis on holistic healing and natural living, aromatherapy and essential oils have become very hot topics. Many are benefiting from the therapeutic properties that essential oils offer. One extremely simple way to utilize essential oils is to create aromatherapy roll ons.
Aromatherapy roll ons can be a great way to keep your mind and body relaxed. They are also a good option if you don't have time for a full aromatherapy session or if you want something portable that is effective.
Read this blog post for more information on how to make aromatherapy roll ons with essential oils effectively!
What Are Aromatherapy Roll Ons?
Aromatherapy roll ons are roller bottles that are filled with a blend of carrier oil and essential oils. They allow you to roll essential oils onto your skin so you can enjoy them topically. They are fast and convenient.
Essential oils are highly concentrated so it is best not to apply them directly to your skin. You will need a carrier oil to dilute them first. You will also need the right roller bottle. They come with small rollerball tops that allow only a small amount of oil out at a time.

How to Make Aromatherapy Roll Ons with Essential Oils
Essential oils have so many health benefits. These oils can be used for everyday ailments such as headaches, sore muscles, and insomnia. These essential oils can be used in aromatherapy rolls-ons, which are a great way to reap the health benefits.
Step 1: Choose Essential Oils
Decide what essential oils you want in your aromatherapy roll on, or just pick a single like lavender oil for a calming roll on that is great to use for stress or sleep.
We have a blog post all about Roller Bottle Recipes, check out all the roller blends you can make!
Step 2: Pick a Carrier Oil
You will need a carrier oil, it will be the base oil you will use for your roll on. It will help to dilute your essential oils so you can safely apply them to your skin. Some great options:
- jojoba oil (my favorite)
- fractionated coconut oil
- sweet almond oil
Read more > Carrier Oils for Essential Oils
Step 3: The Right Roll On Bottle
You will need a glass roller bottle to create your roll on. A roll on bottle is just what it sounds like, a bottle that you can roll onto skin. The type of roll on needed for aromatherapy is a glass roller bottle designed for use with essential oils.
Best choice is 10 ml roller bottles, it will take 2 teaspoons of carrier oil to fill. Stainless steel ball preferred, I think they usually glide on the best.
Step 4: Blend Recipe
Place 2-10 drops total of essential oils in bottle (depends on desired dilution level). Then fill the rest of bottle with the carrier oil of choice. Place roller ball and cap on, shake to blend. Add a bottle label.
Read more > Diluting Essential Oils
Step 5: Ready to Roll
To use, roll on desired areas. If there is a location needing the oils, apply directly to area of concern (like a bug bite). Temples are great for tension and headaches. To enjoy the aroma benefits, roll on wrists, chest, and neck.
Be careful not to get essential oils in the eyes or mucus membranes. See our infographic tutorial below! Be sure to share it to your favorite social sites!
How often should essential oil blends be reapplied?
Essential oils can be powerful so it is a good idea to apply them once or twice daily if you are new to essential oils or the blend you are using. If you aren't experiencing any irritation or redness after a few uses, you can apply your aromatherapy blend more often throughout the day if needed.
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Roller Bottle Recipe Ideas!
- Love Potion Roll On Perfume
- Immunity Roll On for Kids
- Essential Oil Roller Blends for Age Spots
- Essential Oil Roller Blends for Bruising