A new school year often brings stress, worries, and germs. Luckily, there are a number of ways to ease the transition back into the school routine. These essential oil blends for back to school can help your child prepare for a successful school year, whether it is at home or in a classroom.
Essential oils can be of great assistance for school age children. They can offer emotional support, promote sleep, fight germs, and help kids stay healthy. When using essential oils for kids, ensure that you are using kid safe essential oils.
So if you're looking for a natural way to support your child's back-to-school success, consider using essential oils.
Benefits of Essential Oils for Back to School
The benefits of Essential Oils for Back to School are many and varied. One of the most obvious benefits is that they can help to ease stress and tension levels. With the demands of school, homework and extracurricular activities, it's no wonder that kids can get pretty stressed out.
Diffusing essential oils can help to create a calm and relaxing environment, making it easier for kids to focus and get work done. In addition, essential oils can also help to boost energy levels and improve concentration. This can be particularly helpful during exams or when working on a big project.
Diffusing oil in the classroom or at home can help students to stay alert and focused during lectures and studying. Additionally, lavender oil can be used to promote relaxation before bedtime, helping students to get a good night's sleep. With so many benefits, it's no wonder that essential oils are becoming a popular choice for parents and teachers alike.
Essential Oil Blends for Back to School
Back to school can be an exciting time for students, but it can also be stressful. For parents, one of the best things you can do to help your child prepare for a successful school year is to equip them with the right tools. One of those tools is essential oils.
Essential oils can help promote focus, concentration, and relaxation, which are all key ingredients for a success. Here are back to school essential oil recipes for kids:
1. Focus InhalerMy youngest struggles with staying on task, he definitely benefits from the encouraging oils in this blend. Try mixing lime, juniper, and vetiver together in a blank personal inhaler to assist kids with staying on task.
Directions: Add wick to a small bowl, drop essential oils onto the wick, using tweezers to pick up wick, then get any oil residual left in bowl onto wick. Place wick in blank inhaler and put on end cap (base). To use, place under nose and inhaler the aroma. |
2. No Worries InhalerKids can experience stress and pressure from school as well as daily life, just like adults. These essential oils have a calming effect.
Directions: Add wick to a small bowl, drop essential oils onto the wick, use tweezers to pick up wick, then get any oil residual left in bowl onto wick. Place wick in blank inhaler and put on end cap (base). To use, place under nose and inhaler the aroma. |
3. Sleep Sweet Bedtime OilMassage this lovely smelling blend on the back, chest, arms, or feet before bedtime for a good night's sleep.
Directions: Add all ingredients into pump bottle and place on top. Roll bottle between palms to lend oils together. 1% dilution, good for kids. |
4. Calm and Clear Diffuser BlendThese calming essential oils make a wonderful blend for diffusing. These oils are also beneficial for respiratory health and support.
Directions: Add blend to diffuser with recommended water your diffuser requires. |
5. Sweet Dreams Diffuser BlendSleep is essential for a successful school day, start diffusing this blend in the evening to help create a calming environment before going to bed.
Directions: Add blend to diffuser with recommended water your diffuser requires. |
Conclusion of Back to School Essential Oils
For many people, the start of the school year is a time of excitement and anticipation. However, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety. One simple and effective way is to use essential oils. Essential oils have been shown to provide a number of benefits, including reducing stress, improving concentration, and boosting energy levels.
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