Yoga is a blessing in disguise, especially for those seeking a fitter and healthier body. While you may already know the importance of incorporating yoga in your life, maybe you haven't taken the first step because you have concerns and questions. Here I will answer FAQ about Yoga that beginners have so YOU can get started right away!
If you are a beginner, doing yoga will assist you in getting a flexible body that can quickly adapt to different postures. The combination of mental and physical yoga exercises keeps your body fully aware. You have a stronger grip on your emotions too. It is a perfect way to stay energetic and limber.
Yoga also keeps the body alive and kicking. An active body is a home for a healthy mind. In a nutshell, the health benefits of yoga are exceptional!
10 Common Yoga Questions Answered
For beginners, "How to start doing yoga?" can be a tricky question. Presented here are answers so you can proceed in the right direction.
1. What is Yoga?
The word 'yoga' originates from the Sanskrit word Yuj, meaning join, yoke, or unite. Yoga is a method of getting a balanced body and a relaxed mind. It includes the breathing activities called pranayama and the physical act of yoga stances called asanas (yoga poses). Yoga likewise incorporates contemplation, self-examination, and knowledge of yoga philosophy.
Today, the majority of the individuals are engaged in the third limb, physical asana practice. Asana strengthens the body and makes you physically fit for long meditations. Read more about yoga terms for new learners.
2. What kind of yoga should I start with?
Hatha yoga is one of the main types of yoga, and numerous other yoga forms originate from it. An ideal approach to get familiar with the names and other basics of yoga poses first. It is best for newcomers to learn the fundamentals of yoga postures as it is centered on Hatha yoga.
You will discover several body movements that are accompanied by your breath. This flow will set you up for different forms of yoga in the future, for example, Ashtanga and Vinyasa flow. For those looking for a physical challenge, these types of yoga are more compelling and energetic.Â
3. How do I know whether I'm doing it right?
It is essential to have clear directions in the beginning, either in the form of a personal instructor or through video instructions. In case you're rehearsing yoga at home without an instructor, you may think about whether you're doing the postures appropriately. The human body is built for movement and can tell when things don't feel right, you just need to listen to what your body is telling you. You have to find what is best for your body and how your body may adapt to a particular pose. Building up this body mindfulness takes rehearsal.
The primary concern to know is that yoga isn't there to trouble you or make your limbs stiff, whether you are learning from the home or doing yoga practice with a trainer.
You will most likely encounter unexpected feelings in comparison to what you have been experiencing in the past with other exercises, and your muscles may show a positive reaction by being flexible. However, if you feel any wrong signal, for example, backache, pinching, or sharpness, tune in to your body and come gradually out of the posture.
4. What are the advantages of yoga?
Yoga is highly beneficial for those who practice it regularly. It makes your body adaptable, powerful, conditioned, and stable. Furthermore, it energizes the body and improves digestion and breathing.
Yoga also strengthens your heart and circulatory system. You remain fit, calm, and active after including yoga to your routine. You will start feeling less pain and a modified posture.
Not only does it bless your physical health, but it also improves you mentally. You stay cool and calm, even in panic situations. A peaceful and happy lifestyle is also a sign of psychological wellness. Yoga assists you in controlling anger and handles the pressure situations in a much better way. It allows you to concentrate on your energy and empowers confidence within your body.
Yoga relaxes your body and soul. Its spiritual advantages are incredibly significant. Yoga keeps your body aware of what is happening within and outside your body. It also encourages you to be informed about your environment and other factors that you can face around you. Naturally, it gives us a lesson to be more careful.
As soon as you start doing yoga, you will realize abrupt changes in your body. Some of these quick benefits of yoga include freeing from bodily stress, loosening up of body, and the muscles getting more muscular.
You will be able to judge the positive vibes that come along with yoga. This "feel good" factor keeps most beginners wanting to practice more and more. Many perks can be seen over time with consistent practice. Everyone has a different body strength, posture, and physique. So the benefits may vary from person to person, but many individuals start noticing the positive outcomes within a few weeks.
5. How frequently should I practice yoga?
You can notice significant differences in your body just after a week of regular yoga practice. If possible, go for two to three sessions a week and remember not to let any discouraging factors overcome you.
A lot of distractions may try to hinder your progress and force you to practice for short intervals. 15 minutes of continuous practice is far better than sitting idle. In simple words, do whatever you want to do, but do not quit. Even smaller portions will do the trick if you stick to your goal. Stay positive and encouraged with your accomplishments. Never lose focus, be consistent and you will get the desired results in no time.
6. I have planned to practice at home. What equipment do I need?
Don't worry if you are on a budget, doing yoga at home is not expensive. You can start practicing it the day you decide. Thankfully yoga does not demand any specific clothing or equipment. If you don't have yoga pants, wear anything that you are comfortable in. Keep in mind that it must not limit your body movements, so no restrictive clothing.
A yoga mat can make your sessions easier. It will prevent your hands and feet from slipping, so you have a firm grip on the motions. You can have full control of the body, for example, posing for Downward Facing Dog. You might require a yoga block for some postures, but the majority of the poses can be practiced without it!
7. What is the perfect time to practice yoga?
Yoga does not demand a specific portion of your day. You are free to practice yoga whenever you get a chance to do so. However, for centuries, experts have been doing yoga in the morning. This is because a new day brings fresh air to breathe. When you wake up, your body may be stiff unless you do a little stretching. Doing yoga early in the morning will start your day off right.
You can also try yoga in the evening when you get back from work with a relatively tired body. This is a great way to release stress and bring calmness to your soul. Yoga can be practiced at any time of the day, but the most important thing is you have to do it regularly!
8. What is the best diet routine before yoga practice?
It is recommended to enter the yoga class with an empty stomach or leaving at least two hours between your meal and yoga. Your body starts metabolizing food, right after it reaches the stomach. If you indulge in any exercise or yoga after eating, the energy will be spent in strengthening the muscles, instead of digesting the meal. It leads to poor health. If you are starving, have a light snack (like a banana or a few nuts) so that you don't crash during your practice sessions.
9. I have a health condition. Can I do yoga?
Numerous individuals practice yoga as an approach to dealing with their health concerns. There are a variety of yoga classes and poses to fit exactly what you need. If you have an ailment or pain and haven't tried yoga in the recent past, I suggest you talk to your physician first. You may want to consult a physiotherapist or yoga trainer to explain your health concerns and see how to best move forward. There may be poses that are helpful for your condition, as well as some bad ones that may not be recommended.
10. Would I be able to do yoga during pregnancy?
For pregnant women, we recommend talking with your doctor. If you are new to yoga, you should avoid it, especially during the first trimester (1-3 months). If you are a regular practitioner, you may continue to go for short sessions. Do not opt for postures like twisting and intense core work. The best practice is to stick to the basics of pregnancy yoga classes.
Yoga FAQ Summary
There are so many questions people ask when they discover the benefits of yoga. There is a lot more to be discussed as we have just kicked off with the wonders of yoga. As your interest grows and you dive more into the practice of yoga, you will no doubt be on a long path to discovery. Yoga is an ideal opportunity to change your life!
Sun Salutation Guide
Surya Namaskar is a great ritual to wake up the body in the morning, focus the mind, and connect the feelings of gratitude for the new day, so waking up a little earlier in the morning to do it, can allow us to experience inner silence and more energy during the day. Get our Sun Salutations Guide here.